Crash Investigation and
Crash Reconstruction
Proctor Engineering Research & Consulting, Inc. has provided crash investigation, reconstruction, analysis, simulation, modeling, and full scale crash testing for over a quarter century. The following represents only a small list of the types of crashes assigned to PERC for engineering examination:
Automobile rollover;
Bicycle/auto collision;
Car/car/dump truck;
Car/railroad ties;
Car underride / semi-trailer;
Dump truck/Car;
High speed tractor semi-trailer/car;
Highway obstruction / car;
Highway obstruction / motorcycle;
Motorcycle/log truck;
Motorcycle/tow truck;
Multi-car interstate collision;
Occupant ejection;
Oil truck/passenger van;
Parking lot crash;
Parking maneuver crash / elderly driver;
Pick-up truck underride / semi-trailer;
Pick-up truck/car;
Seat belt use;
Rear impact auto crash;
Tractor semi-trailer/auto crash at intersection;
Tractor semi-trailer/pick-up truck;
Single car crash;
Three car crash;
Tow truck/car;
Truck/car at T intersection;
Truck rollover;
Truck/School bus;
Unrestrained occupant motion;
Van rollover;
Full Scale Crash Tests

Final Check
Before launching test vehicles to the crash point, Dr. Proctor performs a final examination of the test vehicles and full-scale anthropomorphic test devices.

Successful Crash Test
Examination of the test vehicles demonstrated precise post-impact fidelity to the subject crash vehicles.
For Additional Information
Please Call 386.462.6430