Human Factors & Biomechanics
Proctor Engineering Research & Consulting, Inc. performs examination, evaluation and testing related to human response, human/machine interface, resultant force, biomechanical stress and potential tissue failure.
Human factors and biomechanics are often associated with projects involving vehicular crash dynamics as well as industrial, commercial and consumer machine design.
Applied Biomechanics
Human motion and reaction is fundamental to many biomechanical invesitgations. Once forces applied to the human body are determined, the stress on tissue can be evaluated. A sampling of assignments received by Proctor Engineering for evaluation are - slip and fall, trip and fall, falls from heights, motion and consequent forces to occupants of cars and trucks during crashes, the human factors and biomechancs involving ATVs, personal watercraft, motorcycles, bicycles, riding lawnmowers, children's cribs, window blinds cords, wheel chairs and walkers.

Circa 1987
As a young professor at the University of Florida, Dr. Proctor is seen here explaining the use of holographic interferometry on human bones to Fred Huang of Plant City, a high school junior in the Student Science Training Program.

Medical and Orthopedic Devices
Often, medical devices require examination by engineers for performance evaluation and failure analysis. PERC has received assignments in this area.
For Additional Information
Please Call 386.462.6430